Recent and Upcoming Talks


2024 and upcoming


01. "What We May Expect of Each Other", 10th annual Workshop on Normativity and Reasoning, NYU Abu Dhabi, 15 January 2024.


02. "What We May Expect of Each Other", Graduate Seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, 22 April 2024.


03. "Epistemic Normativity Without Epistemic Teleology", Reading Group, Department of Philosophy, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, 23 April 2024.


04. "How to Be a Nonconsequentialist and Still Save the Greater Number", Department Talk, Department of Philosophy, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, 02 May 2024.


05. "What We May Expect of Each Other", East West Philosophers' Conference, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, 29 May 2024.




Upcoming Talks


06. "Perspectivism and Dispositionalism about the Deliberative Ought", Conference Epistemic Reasons, Norms and Dilemmas, TU Dortmund, 02-04 September 2024.


07. "Ought and the Balance of Reasons", 26. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, Universität Münster, 23 September 2024.


08. "'Ought' and the Balance of Reasons", 21st Annual Madison Metaethics Workshop, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 27-29 September 2024.


09. "Exclusionary Reasons and the Balancing View of Ought", Conference Normative Reasons, Explanation, and Grounding, Bielefeld University, 24–25 October 2014.


10. "T.B.A.", Workshop on Normative Epistemology, University of Bergen, 31 October – 01 November 2024.


11. "T.B.A.", Seminaire de Metaethique (online metaethics seminar), 22 November 2024.


12. "T.B.A.", Gießener Abendgespräche Kognition und Gehirn, Universität Gießen, 11 December 2024.


13. "T.B.A.", LMU Munich, 14 January 2025.




Talks Since 2007




1. “Gibt es interne Gründe?”, Workshop in Action Theory, Society for Analytical Philosophy (GAP), RWTH Aachen University, 10 October 2007. [“Might There Be Internal Reasons?”]





2. “Are All Favorers Reasons?”, Berkeley-Stanford-Davis Graduate Philosophy Conference, University of California, Berkeley, 24 April 2010.





3. “The Why-Be-Rational Challenge”, Workshop “Agency, Reasons, and the Good”, Humboldt University of Berlin, 01 July 2011.


4. “Does Nietzsche Believe in Objective Values?” (Comment), Humboldt-Princeton Graduate Conference in Philosophy, Humboldt University of Berlin, 18 July 2011.


5.  “The Principle of Decisive Reasons”, Humboldt-Princeton Graduate Conference in Philosophy, Humboldt University of Berlin, 18 July 2011.


6. “‘Sollen’ und die Perspektive des Akteurs”, 22nd German Congress of Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 15 September 2011. [“‘Ought’ and the Perspective of the Agent.”]

7. “The Principle of Decisive Reasons”, University Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires, 06 December 2011.





8. “Die Pointe des ethischen Naturalismus” (Comment), Workshop “Formen des Naturalismus in der Ethik”, Humboldt University of Berlin, 13 January 2012. [“The Point of Ethical Naturalism.”]


 9. “Does Williams’ Internalism Allow for Universal Moral Reasons?” (Comment), Humboldt-Princeton Graduate Conference in Philosophy, Humboldt University of Berlin, 07 August 2012.


10. “Instrumental Normativity”, Humboldt-Princeton Graduate Conference in Philosophy, Humboldt University of Berlin, 08 August 2012.


11. “The Principle of Decisive Reasons”, 8th international conference of the Society for Analytical Philosophy (GAP), University of Konstanz, 19 September 2012.





12. “Instrumental Normativity”, 3rd Konstanz Philosophical Retreat, Insel Reichenau, 28 September 2013.


13. “Why Reasons For Action Depend on Reasons For Belief”, Conference “Reasons: Action, Belief, Perception”, University of Saarland, Saarbrücken, 12 October 2013.





14. “Actualism, Possibilism, and Normative Transmission”, Australian National University, Canberra, 15 April 2014.


15. “The Normativity of Rationality”, Australian National University, Canberra, 29 May 2014.


16. “You Ought to Φ Only If You May Believe that You Ought to Φ”, The University of Sydney, 12 June 2014.


 17. “You Ought to Φ Only If You May Believe that You Ought to Φ”, Australian National University, Canberra, 23 June 2014.


18. “What’s Wrong With the Wrong Kind of Reasons?” (with Jan Gertken), Conference “The Wrong Kind of Reasons”, Humboldt University of Berlin, 22 September 2014.


19. “Instrumental Rationality As a System of Categorical Imperatives”, 23rd German Congress of Philosophy, University of Münster, 30 September 2014.


20. “Instrumental Rationality As a System of Categorical Imperatives”, European Normativity Network Conference, University of Barcelona, 13 November 2014.


21. “Instrumentelle Rationalität als ein System kategorischer Imperative”, University of Bremen, 27 November 2014.


22. “Instrumentelle Rationalität als ein System kategorischer Imperative”, Leipzig University, 10 December 2014.





23. “Instrumentelle Rationalität als ein System kategorischer Imperative”, Humboldt University of Berlin, 16 January 2015.


24. “The Normativity of Rationality”, Workshop on Practical Reasoning, University of Vienna, 25 March 2015.


25. “A Buckpassing Account of the Normativity of Rationality”, Conference on the Normativity of Rationality, Cardiff University, 06 May 2015.


26. “Warum rational sein? Eine Verteidigung der Normativität der Rationalität”, Humboldt University of Berlin, 20 May 2015. [“Why Be Rational? In Defence of the Normativity of Rationality”]


27. “An Evidence-Relative Account of Reasons”, Conference “Normativity: Epistemic and Practical”, University of Southampton, 09 September 2015.


28. “Is There a Liberal Principle of Instrumental Transmission?” (with Jan Gertken), 9th international conference of the Society for Analytical Philosophy (GAP), University of Osnabrück, 15 September 2015.


29. “An Evidence-Relative Account of Reasons”, Lund University, 27 October 2015.


30. “The Normativity of Rationality”, Lund University, 29 October 2015.


31. “Can the Lottery Paradox be Solved by Identifying Epistemic Justification with Epistemic Permissibility?”, Lund University, 02 November 2015.


32. “Is There a Liberal Principle of Instrumental Transmission?” (with Jan Gertken), European Normativity Network Conference, Humboldt University of Berlin, 20 November 2015.





33. “Instrumental Rationality As a System of Categorical Imperatives”, Job Talk for a W2/W3 Professorship for Practical Philosophy, University of Bayreuth, 11 January 2016.


34. “Précis” and “Repliken”, symposion on my book manuscript The Normativity of Rationality, with comments by Gerhard Ernst and Erasmus Mayr, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, 04 March 2016.


35. “The Normativity of Rationality”, Aarhus University, 15 April 2016.


36. “The Normativity of Rationality”, University of Hamburg, 26 October 2016.


37. “Why There is No Such Thing As a Motivating Reason”, European Normativity Network Conference, University of Oslo, 03 November 2016.





38. “What Kind of Perspectivism?”, Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, Seattle, 12 April 2017.


39. “Are Epistemic Reasons Normative?”, Conference "Ethics of Mind: Responsibility, Normativity and Rationality”, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, 02 August 2017.

40. Why There Is No Such Thing As a Motivating Reason”, Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie, Humboldt University of Berlin, 27 September 2017.
41. "Is There a Liberal Principle of Instrumental Transmission?", Boston University, 20 October 2017.
42. "Gründe, Werte und Normativität", Job Talk for a W2 Professorship for Practical Philosophy, University of Hamburg, 17 November 2017. ["Reasons, Value, and Normativity"]


43. "What is Irrationality?", University of Erfurt, 29 November 2017.
44. "What is Irrationality?", University of Leeds, 07 December 2017.


45. "What is Irrationality?", Workshop "Kiesewetter on Reasons and Rationality", King's College London, 09 December 2017.





46.  "The Myth of Political Authority", 10th international conference of the Society for Analytical Philosophy (GAP), University of Cologne, 18 September 2018.


47. "Are Epistemic Reasons Normative?", 10th international conference of the Society for Analytical Philosophy (GAP), University of Cologne, 19 September 2018.


48. "Are Epistemic Reasons Normative?", Conference Norms and Reasons, 1 November 2018, University of Zurich.


49. "Migration und Moral",  13 November 2018, University of Hamburg.


50. "The Myth of Structural Rationality", Workshop MetaEssen 3: Structural Rationality, 23 November 2018, University of Duisburg-Essen.


 51. "Rationalität und Normativität", Lecture Series Philosophie kontrovers, University of Cologne, 6 December 2018.





52. "Are Epistemic Reasons Normative?", 7th Annual Workshop on Normativity and Reasoning, NYU Abu Dhabi, 14 January 2019.


53. "Are the Right Kind of Reasons Normative Reasons?", Conference Dimensions of Rationality, Goethe University Frankfurt, 7 June 2019.


54. "Heuer on Value-Based Reasons",  Workshop Agency and Norms, HU Berlin, 5 July 2019.


55. "Reasons-Responsiveness Supervenes on the Mind", Workshop Higher-Order Evidence in Epistemology, Ethics, and Aesthetics, University of Southampton, 17 September 2019


56. "Normativität und Rationalität", Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, 13 November 2019.


57. "Are All Practical Reasons Value-Based?", job talk for the Professorship in Moral and Political Philosophy, University of Vienna, 19 November 2019.


58. "Dürfen Klimaschutzaktivisten Gesetze brechen?", job talk for the W1-Tenure-Track-W2 Professorship for Practical Philosophy, JGU Mainz, 13 December 2019. ["Are Climate Activists Justified in Breaking the Law?"]





59. "Beruhen alle praktischen Gründe auf Werten?", job talk for the W3 Professorship for Practical Philosophy, JGU Mainz, 13 January 2020. ["Are All Practical Reasons Value-Based?"]


60. "Gründe und Werte", job talk for the W3 Professorship for Practical Philosophy, MLU Halle-Wittenberg, 28 January 2020. ["Reasons and Value"]


61. "Rationality as Reasons-Responsiveness",  University College London (Research Seminar on Practical Reasons and Rationality), 27 February 2020.


62. "Dürfen Klimaschutzaktivisten Gesetze brechen?", HU Berlin (Philosophical Colloquium),  11 June 2020 (online event). ["Are Climate Activists Justified in Breaking the Law?"]


63. "Practical Conflicts as a Problem for Epistemic Reductionism about Practical Reasons", Zoom Epistemology Group, 3 July 2020 (online event).


64. "Epistemic Normativity Without Epistemic Teleology", Conference The Unity of Normativity, University of Vienna, 24 September 2020 (online event).


65. "Are All Practical Reasons Value-Based?", Madison Metaethics Workshop, 25-27 September 2020 (online event).


66. "Are All Practical Reasons Value-Based?", University of Bern (Department Talk), 22 October 2020 (online event).


67.  "Are All Practical Reasons Value-Based?", HU Berlin (Philosophical Colloquium), 05 November 2020 (online event).


68. "Dürfen Klimaschutzaktivisten Gesetze brechen?", HU Berlin (Philosophical Colloquium),  09 November 2020 (online event). ["Are Climate Activists Justified in Breaking the Law?"]


69. "Epistemic Normativity Without Epistemic Teleology", LOGOS  Epistemology Workshop, University of Barcelona, 12 November 2020 (online event)


70. "Are All Practical Reasons Value-Based?", TU Dresden (Philosophical Colloquium), 20 November 2020 (online event).





71. "Praktische Gründe und Werte", TU Dresden, Job Talk for the W2 Professorship for Practical Philosophy, 14 January 2021 (online event).


72. "Epistemic Normativity Without Epistemic Teleology", Lund University, 21 January 2021 (online event)


73.  "Are Epistemic Reasons Normative?", TU Dresden (Philosophical Colloquium), 29 January 2021 (online event).


74. "Epistemic Normativity Without Epistemic Teleology", Dresden-Hamburg Workshop, 09 April 2021 (online event).


75. "What We May Expect From Each Other", Humboldt-Princeton Practical Normativity Seminar, 29 May 2021 (online event).


76. "A Reasons-Based Account of Moral Obligation", Dresden-Zurich Workshop of Rationality, 18 June 2021 (online event).


 77. "Ziviler Ungehorsam und Klimaethik", HU Berlin, 08 July 2021 (online event) ["Civil Disobedience and Climate Ethics"].


78. "In Defense of Pro Tanto Rights", 25th German Congress of Philosophy, FAU Erlangen, 09 September 2021 (online event).


79. "Moral Rights and the Duty to Save the Greater Number", Job Talk for the W3 Professorship for Ethics, University of Bayreuth, 18 November 2021 (online event).


80. "Was wir voneinander erwarten können – eine Theorie moralischer Verpflichtung", University of Stuttgart, 30 November 2021.


81. "Pro Tanto Rights and Saving the Greater Number", Oxford Jurisprudence Discussion Group, University of Oxford, 02 December 2021 (online event).


82. "Pro Tanto Rights and the Duty to Save the Greater Number",Philosophical Colloquium, HU Berlin, 09 December 2021.


83. "Moralische Rechte und die Rettung der größeren Anzahl", Job Talk for the W3 Professorship for Practical Philosophy, University of Heidelberg, 15 December 2021 (online event) ["Moral Rights and the Duty to Save the Greater Number"].


84. "Epistemic Normativity without Epistemic Teleology", University of St. Andrews, 16 December 2021 (online event).


85. "Pro Tanto Rights and Saving the Greater Number", Southampton-Humboldt Normativity Conference, University of Southampton, 17 December 2021.




86. "In Defense of Pro Tanto Rights", Arizona Workshop in Normative Ethics (WiNE), Tucson, 13-15 January 2022 (online event).


87. "Moralische Rechte und die Rettung der größeren Anzahl", Job Talk for the W3 Professorship for Practical Philosophy, University of Stuttgart, 03 February 2022 (online event) ["Moral Rights and the Duty to Save the Greater Number"].


88. "Moralische Rechte und die Rettung der größeren Anzahl", Job Talk for the W3 Professorship for Practical Philosophy, University of Bielefeld, 10 February 2022 (online event) ["Moral Rights and the Duty to Save the Greater Number"].


89. "In Defense of Pro Tanto Rights", Slippery Slope Normativity Summit, Lillehammer, 04–05 March 2022.


90. "What We May Expect of Each Other", Workshop "Rights, Duties, and Reasons", Trinity College Dublin, 08 April 2022.


91. "Epistemic Normativity Without Epistemic Teleology", FU Berlin, 03 May 2022.


92. "Reasons Aggregation and the Duty to Save the Greater Number", TWIP Seminar, HU Berlin, 06 May 2022.


93. "Reasons Aggregation and the Duty to Save the Greater Number", Workshop "Reasons, Oughts, and Normative Transmission", HU Berlin, 19 May 2022.


94. "Was wir voneinander erwarten können" ["What We May Expect of Each Other"], University of Heidelberg, 12 July 2022.


95. "What is Irrationality?", ANU-Princeton-Humboldt Summer Institute of Practical Normativity, HU Berlin, 25 August 2022


96. "What Is a Moral Obligation?", GAP.11, HU Berlin, 13 September 2022.


97. "Pro Tanto Rights and Saving the Greater Number", University of Zurich, 26 September 2022.


98. "Suffrage Without Age Limits", Children's Voting Colloquium, Rutgers University, 06 October 2022 (online event).


 99. "Structural Rationality", Philosophical Colloquium, HU Berlin, 20 October 2022.


100. "Perspectivism and Dispositionalism about the Deliberative Ought" (Keynote address), Uncertain Oughts Workhop, University of Helsinki, 08 December 2022.




101. "What We May Expect of Each Other", Oxford Moral Philosophy Seminar, University of Oxford, 23 January 2023.


102. "Egalitarian Justice As a Challenge for the Value-Based Theory of Practical Reasons", University College London, 24 January 2023.


103. "The Normativity of Manifesting Good Dispositions and the Normativity of Reasonableness - Comment on Maria Lasonen-Aarnio's Feasible Dispositions", Monograph Workshop, HU & FU Berlin, 02 March 2023.


104. "How to Be a Deontologist and Still Save the Greater Number", Philosophical Colloquium, University of Zurich, 15 March 2023.


105. "What We May Expect of Each Other", Philosophical Colloquium, University of Bern, 16 March 2023.


106. "What We May Expect of Each Other", 4th Cyprus Metaethics Workshop, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 04 May 2023.


107. "What We May Expect of Each Other", Workshop Current Issues in Metaethics and Practical Normativity, HU Berlin, 12-13 June 2023.


108. "What We May Expect of Each Other", Lund University, 21 September 2023.


109. "Warum Kinder einen Anspruch auf das Wahlrecht haben", Jahrestagung der Deutschen Liga für das Kind Zukunft gerecht verteilen: Kinder entscheiden mit, 13 October 2023. ["Why children have a claim to the right to vote"]


110. "How to Explain Moral Requirements in Terms of Reasons", Workshop Reasons and Explanation, Universität Tübingen, 02 December 2023.


111. "What We May Expect of Each Other", Legal Philosophy Trident Seminar, 11 December 2023 (online event).